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Installation of photovoltaic panels - on the roof or on the ground?

Sep 29, 2020

Recently, more and more houses, farms and enterprises decide to install photovoltaic systems. No wonder, this investment is extremely profitable, and the considerable costs incurred by the investor at the beginning are fully paid for. It is worth taking advantage of the co-financing, thanks to which the costs are partially reimbursed.

Installation of solar panels on the roof of an apartment building

Before we finally decide to install solar panels on our roof, it is worth checking if it meets several characteristics:

- the roof cannot be shaded, if any branches fall on it, you should think about trimming them,

- the angle of inclination, preferably around 30 degrees. A flat roof requires a suitable frame,

- preferably, if the roof is facing south, but installation on the west or south-west side is also possible,
- it is worth considering in advance what roof surface will be needed to install the panels, most often it is approx. 28 m2.

Installation of solar panels on a ground rack

When deciding to install photovoltaic panels on the ground, you can afford a large number of panels than in the case of a roof. The only limitation is the size of the plot that we want to allocate for this purpose. It is important to place the rows of solar panels at an appropriate distance so that they do not cast a shadow on others and slow down the operation of the entire system. There are single and double-support structures that are attached to the foundation or concrete slabs.

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